Monday, May 26, 2008

Of Faith, Faithfulness and Freedom

Faith = Revelation (rhema) + Personal Conviction + Action
The Holy Spirit takes the rhema and convicts us so that we rise up acting in faith.

We can only be faithful in keeping what we know.
We need to have faith in moving to what we do not know.

Freedom from Fear (root cause of sickness) -
God's perfect will is not to heal you but that you don't get sick (Ex 15:26 Deut 28:1)
Fear is sin. Perfect love cast out fear (1Pet 4:8, 1 John 4:18)
Faith at communion - the body for healing and the blood for forgiveness (1Pet 2:24, 2 Tim 1:7)
Antidote to fear is to trust in the Godhead - power (Holy Spirit), love (Father), sound mind (Jesus the Word)
Condemnation is of the devil; Conviction is of God (Rev 12:10)

39 roots of disease (eg anxiety, fear, self-hatred, self-rejection, guilt)
anxiety often the root cause of hyperthyroidism
Healing - do you want to be healed? Then believe and rise up in faith.

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