Thursday, March 14, 2013

The next generation

It was with mixed emotion that my wife and I witnessed the marriage of our son to his lovely bride. We thank the Lord that we have the privilege to see this.
When he was born, our prayers were that he will have the best features of both of us, not just physically but in all aspects. In a sense, the Lord has answered when we see him grow up to be a man of integrity, responsible and committed with a heart of generosity and willingness to help others.
We had also prayed in his childhood, that the Lord would bring the right woman for him and he would be the right man for that person. Again we see the Lord's answer in our daughter-in-law. She is the Lord's choice to complement my son in areas where he needs it and together we believe they will fulfill all of the Lord's plans and purposes for their lives.
Dear readers, especially for those who have children, do pray for them to have the Lord bring the right person at the right time into their lives so that the next generation will fulfill what God has purposed and do mightier deeds that we have ever done.

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