Tuesday, November 20, 2012

My Story 4

Knowing God's protection is wonderful. Experiencing His provision, guidance and leading is amazing. 
In my course of my undergraduate studies, I was required to spend a year attached in a relevant industry. But in that year, the world was going through a recession and jobs were few. Amazingly, I had a job attachment with a British computer firm for six months (that was what they could offer). I took it and it was what the Lord planned for that period of time. I had the opportunity to get to know my girlfriend better, who later would become my wife.
After the six months, the Lord led me to spend the remaining half year in a Japanese MNC in Malaysia. It was there that I found lodgings by divine appointment with a pastor and his family. The local church he pastored, also met at his home. It was the Lord who gave me an opportunity to grow in ministry as I led worship and occasionally preached. I grew to learn to speak forth in prophetic utterances and edified this small church even as they loved and encouraged me. Though it was tough to be separated from my girlfriend, it was a time the Lord set aside for me to seek Him above all else.
Upon graduation, my girlfriend, who now has become my fiancee as we had decided to get engaged in UK witnessed by all our Christian friends, and I prayed where the Lord will lead us to work. Again, despite the recession, job scarcity and numerous applications, only one application called me for an interview. The Lord's hand was in it as they offered me the job. An American MNC offered me the job to work for them in Singapore. This meant relocation to Singapore and again being apart from my fiancee. But we knew the Lord had good plans for us.
Coming to work in Singapore meant that I had to start afresh with a new church and a place to stay. Again the Lord led. The church I attended, had kind-hearted people who not only helped in our wedding but we even had a opportunity to stay with a couple for a few months after our marriage as we went house hunting.
The Lord led my wife to a good job with a hotel owned by a Christian family. He led me to move to polytechnic education after three and half years with the American company. He answered our prayer that our first born would be a son. He led us from the east to the west of Singapore and led us back again to the east. And the list goes on......
What I have learnt is that His leading and provision is always perfect in His time. There were times when I fumbled and wanted to hurry or plan and do my own thing. I learnt that it is best to wait on Him and let Him take control.
Dear reader, God's plans are far better than all our own self-made ones. Let Him take control of your life. You will never regret it!


Patrick Peh said...

A good testimony to be read and share. God is indeed great and good. He will lead us on,from the day we accepted Christ. I am now fifty and sometime wonder when and where He will lead me to. Still I put my trust that He is always there and am waiting for His calling till the day I am called to be Him. Amen!
Thank you brother Vincent for your story. Also praise God for making you a leader who is patience in leading God's word and guiding your members to guard ourselves against evil so we will not falter but continue to walk in His righteous way.

Blessed Grateful Victor said...

Thank you Patrick for your encouraging words. All glory to God for it is He who gives grace upon grace each day to live.