Monday, September 28, 2009

Two dimensions of the Soul

We know that the human soul have these dimensions: the will, the mind (intellect) and the emotions. But there are 2 more dimensions that affect the soul - imagination and memory.
Imagination affects us positively if we centre it on Christ and His given dreams and plans for us but negatively if we centre it on the lies of the evil one. Imagination can build up our faith as we focus on the Lord who has promised the dreams but it can cripple us if we start to worry or be anxious on what is to come.
Imagination deals with the future while memory deals with the past. Good memories help build our faith in the Lord as we reflect and are reminded of His faithfulness and goodness to us in the past.
Bad memories hinder us if we get stuck by guilt and cannot move forward.
So let us bring our memories to the Lord for His forgiveness and cleansing and our imaginations to Him for sanctification and clarification so that we move forward in faith and obedience.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Love and Follow God

I prayed that my children would love and follow God all the days of their lives.
I thought about what it means to love and follow God and realise that:
1. a person can love God and yet not follow Him (like the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-24 - he loved his father but yet chose to go away with his inheritance. He did turn back finally but after much suffering)
2. a person can follow God and yet not love Him (like the elder brother in Luke 15:25-32) - he followed his father but with resentment about his father's treatment of his younger brother. It showed a lack of love)
May we learn to love and follow God our Father through Jesus His Son with the Holy Spirit's help all the days of our lives.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hearing God

We can all hear God's voice if we believe and trust Him with our lives.
When we recognize the voice of the Lord, we have security.
When we respond to the voice of the Lord, we have salvation.

The voice of the Lord is:
1) a voice of comfort - we can count on Him (Matt 14:27). He cares for us.
2) a voice of communion - we can come to Him (Matt 14:29). He desire us to commune with Him.
3) a voice of compassion - we can cling on to Him (Matt 14:31). He is with us in the storms of life.

Let us respond to His voice in faith by:
1) honestly calling out (Matt 14:28)
2) humanly stepping out (Matt 14:29)
3) humbly crying out (Matt 14:30)