Thursday, April 17, 2008

Light in the Bible

Light (noun) is phos (Greek) from which we have the word phosphorus - which means 'light bearing'

Light is useless when the eye is absent or impaired

We are sons of light (Luke 16:8) because of the new birth as we have received the spiritual capacity for God's revelation

Light used to describe
1) glory of God's dwelling place (1Tim 6:16)
2) nature of God (1 John 1:5)
3) impartiality of God (unchanging nature - James 1:17)
4) the favour of God (Ps 4:6)
5) God as the illuminator (Is 60:19,20)
Jesus as the illuminator John 1:4-5,9
6) illuminating power of the scriptures (Ps 119:105)
7) guidance of God (John 29:3)
8) salvation (1Pet 2:9)
9) righteousness (Rom 13:12)
10) witness for God (Matt 5:14,16)
11) prosperity/well-being (Is 58:8-10)

phoster (Phil 2:14-15) means 'light-giver'
light enters the eye - we need to look to Jesus as our master with singlemindedness of the eye which acts as the lamp of the body

urim and thummin ('lights' and 'perfections')
- for perfect guidance from God

lampo (candle-light) in Matt 5:15

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Purpose Driven Life in a nutshell

4 'ships' on a Mission (evangelism)
Lordship - discipleship
Stewardship - service

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Prayer for the local church

Heavenly Father, we ask You to bless our church _____, that we may all grow in faith and love for one another.
Help us to walk in unity one with another in the power and leading of the Holy Spirit.
Enable us to avoid the bait of the evil one in luring us to break that unity through taking offense and harboring a critical and complaining spirit.
Remind us to remain under cover of the leadership which You have appointed over our lives.
Please build strong disciples in all of us that will in turn help others to grow.
In Jesus' Precious Name we pray. Amen

Monday, April 7, 2008

The Psalms and the Pentateuch

The Psalms are classified into 5 books:
Book 1: Psalm 1 - 41 The Sovereignty of God (cf Genesis)
Book 2: Psalm 42 - 72 The Redemption of God (cf Exodus)
Book 3: Psalm 73 - 89 The Sanctuary of God (cf Leviticus)
Book 4: Psalm 90 - 106 The History of God (cf Numbers)
Book 5: Psalm 107 - 150 The Word of God (cf Deuteronomy)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Developing a lifestyle with passion for the presence of God

Psalm 90
1. Prioritize worship - acknowledge His Lordship

2. Pursue reconciliation - appreciate His discipline

3. Persist in prayer - appropriate His promises